- Aas Surprise (World of Warcraft)
- Blutwurst (World of Warcraft)
- Bombenschnapper (World of Warcraft)
- Brathähnchen (Goodgame Cafe)
- Bussardbissen (World of Warcraft)
- Cheeseburger (Goodgame Cafe)
- Chickenburger (Goodgame Cafe)
- Chili con carne (Goodgame Cafe)
- Deftiger Orcaeintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Dirges abgefahrene Chimearokkotelettes (World of Warcraft)
- Disteltee (World of Warcraft)
- Doppelwarper (World of Warcraft)
- Drachenflossenfilet (World of Warcraft)
- Drachenodemchili (World of Warcraft)
- Dschungeleintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Eberrippchen in Biersauce (World of Warcraft)
- Eierflip (World of Warcraft)
- Eigenartiger Eintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Ente á l'Orange (Goodgame Cafe)
- Erbsensuppe (Goodgame Cafe)
- Erdbeerkuchen (Goodgame Cafe)
- Erdbeermousse (Goodgame Cafe)
- Fähtenlesersnacks (World of Warcraft)
- Feuerkracherlachs (World of Warcraft)
- Feuriger Würztalbuk (World of Warcraft)
- Fischmahl (World of Warcraft)
- Fish'n'Chips (Goodgame Cafe)
- Fledermausbissen (World of Warcraft)
- Frenzyfilet (World of Warcraft)
- Gartensalat (Goodgame Cafe)
- Gebackener Lachs (World of Warcraft)
- Gebratene Blutflosse (World of Warcraft)
- Gedünstete Blauflosse (World of Warcraft)
- Gedünsteter Sonnenschuppenlachs (World of Warcraft)
- Gefüllte Paprika (Goodgame Cafe)
- Gegrillte Bussardflügel (World of Warcraft)
- Gegrillter Kalmar (World of Warcraft)
- Gegrillter Matschflosser (World of Warcraft)
- Geisterhering (World of Warcraft)
- Gekochte Krebsscheren (World of Warcraft)
- Gekochte Muscheln (World of Warcraft)
- Gekochter glänzender Machtfisch (World of Warcraft)
- Gemischter Salat (Goodgame Cafe)
- Gemüsesuppe (Goodgame Cafe)
- Geräucherter Weisenfisch (World of Warcraft)
- Geräucherter Wüstenknödel (World of Warcraft)
- Geräuchertes Bärenfleisch (World of Warcraft)
- Gerösteter Raptor (World of Warcraft)
- Gerösteter Grollhuf (World of Warcraft)
- Geröstetes Eberfleisch (World of Warcraft)
- Geröstetes Kodofleisch (World of Warcraft)
- Geröstete Mondweidenlenden (World of Warcraft)
- Geschwärzte Drachenflosse (World of Warcraft)
- Gewürzbrot (World of Warcraft)
- Gewürzte Mammutleckereien (World of Warcraft)
- Gewürzter Chilikrebs (World of Warcraft)
- Gewürzter Wolfskebab (World of Warcraft)
- Gewürztes Wolfsfleisch (World of Warcraft)
- Gigantisches Fischmahl (World of Warcraft)
- Glänzender Kleinfisch (World of Warcraft)
- Glitschhautmakrele (World of Warcraft)
- Golddorntee (World of Warcraft)
- Goldfischstäbchen (World of Warcraft)
- Große Rhinowurst (World of Warcraft)
- Großes Bärensteak (World of Warcraft)
- Grubenratteneintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Gugelhupf (Goodgame Cafe)
- Hamburger (Goodgame Cafe)
- Heißer Hetzer (World of Warcraft)
- Herzhaftes Rhinozeros (World of Warcraft)
- Hühnereintopf (Goodgame Cafe)
- Hummereintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Jam Sponge Pudding (Goodgame Cafe)
- Käsefondue (Goodgame Cafe)
- Käseplatte (Goodgame Cafe)
- Kaldorei-Spinnenkebab (World of Warcraft)
- Kartoffelsalat (Goodgame Cafe)
- Kiblers Häppchen (World of Warcraft)
- Kirschkompott (Goodgame Cafe)
- Kirschkuchen (Goodgame Cafe)
- Klebriger Spinnenkuchen (World of Warcraft)
- Kleines Festmahl (World of Warcraft)
- Knusperschlange (World of Warcraft)
- Knuspriger Fledermausflügel (World of Warcraft)
- Knusperspinne Surprise (World of Warcraft)
- Knuspriger Donnerechsenschwanz (World of Warcraft)
- Köstlicher Schokoladenkuchen (World of Warcraft)
- Kojotensteak (World of Warcraft)
- Kräutergebackenes Ei (World of Warcraft)
- Krebsküchlein (World of Warcraft)
- Krokiliskengumbo (World of Warcraft)
- Krokiliskensteak (World of Warcraft)
- Krustenbraten (Goodgame Cafe)
- Kungalosh (World of Warcraft)
- Labskaus (Goodgame Cafe)
- Langzahniger Matschschnapper (World of Warcraft)
- Lasagne (Goodgame Cafe)
- Lebkuchen (World of Warcraft)
- Leckeres Törtchen (World of Warcraft)
- Lochfrenzy Surpreme (World of Warcraft)
- Luchssteak (World of Warcraft)
- Machtfischsteak (World of Warcraft)
- Mac'n'Cheese (Goodgame Cafe)
- Mageres Wildbret (World of Warcraft)
- Mageres Wolfssteak (World of Warcraft)
- Mammut von letzter Woche (World of Warcraft)
- Megamammutmahl (World of Warcraft)
- Mexikanischer Bohnensalat (Goodgame Cafe)
- Milde Schildkrötensuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Ministrone (Goodgame Cafe)
- Mithrilkopfforelle (World of Warcraft)
- Monsteromelett (World of Warcraft)
- Mousse au chocolat (Goodgame Cafe)
- Murlocflossensuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Muschelriegel (World of Warcraft)
- Muschelsuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Nachtflossensuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Nasi Goreng (Goodgame Cafe)
- New York Cheesecake (Goodgame Cafe)
- Nudelsalat (Goodgame Cafe)
- Nudelsuppe mit Schinken (Ponyo)
- Pastete aus Geiferzahnleber (World of Warcraft)
- Pikantes Deviat-Surpreme (World of Warcraft)
- Pizza (Goodgame Cafe)
- Pizza Hawaii (Goodgame Cafe)
- Pizza Tonno (Goodgame Cafe)
- Pochierte Nordische Groppe (World of Warcraft)
- Regenbogenflossenthunfisch (World of Warcraft)
- Rhababerkompott (Goodgame Cafe)
- Rhinoziöses Wurmsteak (World of Warcraft)
- Riesenmuschelrisotto (World of Warcraft)
- Rote Grütze (Goodgame Cafe)
- Rotkammgulasch (World of Warcraft)
- Rotkiemenfilet (World of Warcraft)
- Rum Tum Knolle Surprise (World of Warcraft)
- Saftige Schweinerippchen (World of Warcraft)
- Sandwich (Goodgame Cafe)
- Schädelfischsuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Scharfe Löwenkotelettes (World of Warcraft)
- Scharfe Muscheln nach Goblin-Art (World of Warcraft)
- Scharfe Wolfrippchen (World of Warcraft)
- Scharfer geräucherter Barsch (World of Warcraft)
- Schaufelhauersuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Schlechte Muscheln (World of Warcraft)
- Schmackhaftes Löwensteak (World of Warcraft)
- Schokokäsekuchen (Goodgame Cafe)
- Schokoladenfondue (Goodgame Cafe)
- Schokoladenkuchen (Goodgame Cafe)
- Schreitereintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Schwarzgebratene Forelle (World of Warcraft)
- Schwarzgebratener Basilisk (World of Warcraft)
- Schwarzgebratener Sporenfisch (World of Warcraft)
- Schwarzgebratenes Worgsteak (World of Warcraft)
- Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Goodgame Cafe)
- Schwerer Kodoeintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Schwerer Krokiliskeneintopf (World of Warcraft)
- Sehr verbrannter Worg (World of Warcraft)
- Seltsam schmeckendes Omelett (World of Warcraft)
- Sepiasteak (World of Warcraft)
- Skorpid Surprise (World of Warcraft)
- Spaghetti Bolognese (Goodgame Cafe)
- Spaghetti mit Hackfleischbällchen (Susi & Strolch)
- Spinnenwurst (World of Warcraft)
- Sporlingschmaus (World of Warcraft)
- Steak vom imperialen Mantarochen (World of Warcraft)
- Steinschuppenkabeljau (World of Warcraft)
- Stoppelfühlerwels (World of Warcraft)
- Sturmkotelettes (World of Warcraft)
- Sushi (Goodgame Cafe)
- Talbuksteak (World of Warcraft)
- Teufelsfinne Surprise (World of Warcraft)
- Tierhappen (World of Warcraft)
- Toast Hawaii (Goodgame Cafe)
- Tofuburger (Goodgame Cafe)
- Tomatensuppe (Goodgame Cafe)
- Trockene Schweinerippchen (World of Warcraft)
- Tüpfelgelbschwanz (World of Warcraft)
- Undermine-Muschelsuppe (World of Warcraft)
- Verkohltes Wolfsfleisch (World of Warcraft)
- Waffeln mit heißen Kirschen (Goodgame Cafe)
- Weisenfisch Surpreme (World of Warcraft)
- Weiße Schokoladenmousse (Goodgame Cafe)
- Westfalleintopf (World of Warcraft)
- White Choc Cheesecake (Goodgame Cafe)
- Worgtatar (World of Warcraft)
- Würziger blauer Nesselfisch (World of Warcraft)
- Würziger Brathering (World of Warcraft)
- Würziger Flusskrebs (World of Warcraft)
- Würziger Wurmburger (World of Warcraft)